1246 0Agently新闻汇总报告生成器是一个基于Agently AI应用开发框架开发的应用项目。本项目构建了基于大语言模型驱动的全自动工作流,能够根据用户输入的主题关键词,自动完成新闻汇总报告的结构设计、栏目组稿(含新闻检索、筛查、总结、栏目信息撰写)及报告MarkDown格式文件的输出全过程。同时,本项目完全开源,欢迎开发者们通过Fork->PR的方式共同优化。
Agently 新闻汇总报告生成器 GitHub地址:https://github.com/AgentEra/Agently-Daily-News-Collector/tree/main
如何使用 Agently-Daily-News-Collector
git clone git@github.com:AgentEra/Agently-Daily-News-Collector.git
# Debug Settings
IS_DEBUG: false # 如果此项为true,将会输出更多执行过程信息,包括搜索和模型请求的明细信息
# Proxy Settings
PROXY: # 项目中的搜索和模型请求可能会需要使用前向代理,可以通过此项设置代理信息
# Model Settings
MODEL_PROVIDER: OAIClient #默认使用OpenAI格式的兼容客户端,此客户端能够适配OpenAI以及各类兼容OpenAI格式的本地模型
MODEL_URL: http://base_url_path # 如果您需要修改Base URL,使用此项进行设置
api_key: "" # 在这里输入鉴权用的API-Key信息
MODEL_OPTIONS: # 在这里指定模型需要的其他参数,如指定具体的模型,或是调整temperture
model: gpt-3.5-turbo
temperture: 0.8
# Application Settings
MAX_COLUMN_NUM: 3 # 在这里设置汇总报告结构中的专栏数量
OUTPUT_LANGUAGE: Chinese # 在这里设置汇总报告的输出语种,默认为英语,您可能需要手动改成中文
MAX_SEARCH_RESULTS: 8 # 在这里设置每个栏目搜索的最大结果数量
# 注意,如果数量设置过大,可能会导致超出模型的处理窗口大小,请根据模型具体情况设置
SLEEP_TIME: 5 # 在这里设置每次模型请求后的等待时间,以防止频繁请求导致模型拒绝访问
pip install -r requirements.txt
python app.py
随后你会看到一个提示:[Please input the topic of your daily news collection]:。
2024-05-02 22:44:27,347 [INFO] [Outline Generated] {'report_title': "Today's news about AI Models Appliaction", 'column_list': [{'column_title': 'Latest News', 'column_requirement': 'The content is related to AI Models Appliaction, and the time is within 24 hours', 'search_keywords': 'AI Models Appliaction news latest'}, {'column_title': 'Hot News', 'column_requirement': 'The content is related to AI Models Appliaction, and the interaction is high', 'search_keywords': 'AI Models Appliaction news hot'}, {'column_title': 'Related News', 'column_requirement': 'The content is related to AI Models Appliaction, but not news', 'search_keywords': 'AI Models Appliaction report'}]}
2024-05-02 22:44:32,352 [INFO] [Start Generate Column] Latest News
2024-05-02 22:44:34,132 [INFO] [Search News Count] 8
2024-05-02 22:44:46,062 [INFO] [Picked News Count] 2
2024-05-02 22:44:46,062 [INFO] [Summarzing] With Support from AWS, Yseop Develops a Unique Generative AI Application for Regulatory Document Generation Across BioPharma
2024-05-02 22:44:52,579 [INFO] [Summarzing] Success
2024-05-02 22:44:57,580 [INFO] [Summarzing] Over 500 AI models are now optimised for Core Ultra processors, says Intel
2024-05-02 22:45:02,130 [INFO] [Summarzing] Success
2024-05-02 22:45:19,475 [INFO] [Column Data Prepared] {'title': 'Latest News', 'prologue': 'Stay up-to-date with the latest advancements in AI technology with these news updates: [Yseop Partners with AWS to Develop Generative AI for BioPharma](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/support-aws-yseop-develops-unique-130000171.html) and [Intel Optimizes Over 500 AI Models for Core Ultra Processors](https://www.business-standard.com/technology/tech-news/over-500-ai-models-are-now-optimised-for-core-ultra-processors-says-intel-124050200482_1.html).', 'news_list': [{'url': 'https://finance.yahoo.com/news/support-aws-yseop-develops-unique-130000171.html', 'title': 'With Support from AWS, Yseop Develops a Unique Generative AI Application for Regulatory Document Generation Across BioPharma', 'summary': "Yseop utilizes AWS to create a new Generative AI application for the Biopharma sector. This application leverages AWS for its scalability and security, and it allows Biopharma companies to bring pharmaceuticals and vaccines to the market more quickly. Yseop's platform integrates LLM models for generating scientific content while meeting the security standards of the pharmaceutical industry.", 'recommend_comment': 'AWS partnership helps Yseop develop an innovative Generative AI application for the BioPharma industry, enabling companies to expedite the delivery of pharmaceuticals and vaccines to market. The integration of LLM models and compliance with stringent pharmaceutical industry security standards make this a valuable solution for BioPharma companies.'}, {'url': 'https://www.business-standard.com/technology/tech-news/over-500-ai-models-are-now-optimised-for-core-ultra-processors-says-intel-124050200482_1.html', 'title': 'Over 500 AI models are now optimised for Core Ultra processors, says Intel', 'summary': 'Intel stated over 500 AI models are optimized for Core Ultra processors. These models are accessible from well-known sources like OpenVINO Model Zoo, Hugging Face, ONNX Model Zoo, and PyTorch.', 'recommend_comment': "Intel's optimization of over 500 AI models for Core Ultra processors provides access to a vast selection of pre-trained models from reputable sources. This optimization enhances the performance and efficiency of AI applications, making it easier for developers to deploy AI solutions on Intel-based hardware."}]}
2024-05-02 21:57:20,521 [INFO] [Markdown Generated]
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